
Status Dead
Condition Drylon tech user
Occupation Unknown
Affiliation Lar Empire
First appearance BTI 242
BTI 242
Character Information
Year of death
600,000 years ago
Species Lar
Gender Female
Orientation Unknown
Eye color

Sefer was the last Lar host of the Nexus.
She created the Endless Winter but did not use it in her fight against Demeter, fearing it would destroy all life on Earth.

She was succeeded by the Scribe hundreds of thousands of years later.





As a Lar, Sefer was physical superior to humans. He aged far more slowly, was immune to most diseases and to high doses of radiation, and could survive months without water or food.


Superhuman intelligence: Sefer’s brain was billions of times faster than a human’s, giving her enhanced pattern solving, information retrieval and logical structuring.

Worldmind connection: Sefer had access to all Lar knowledge.


  • Modern Lar live 8 times longer than humans; ancient Lar have been noted to having a lifespan 10 times larger than that. It is unknown how old Sefer was at the time of her death.
  • Unlike humans, modern Lar requie sub-zero temperatures in order to survive; it is possible Lar of this era did not share this weakness.