Kiros Zel

Kiros Zel
Name Kiros Zel
Birth name Kiros Mas
Status Alive
Condition Drylon tech user
Occupation Member of the army of Myridia
Previous occupation Freedom fighter
First appearance BTI 229
Character Information
Age 35 years
Year of birth 6 BN
1990 AD
Species Myridian
Gender Male
Orientation Bisexual
Relatives Kari Zel (wife), Ariel Zel (daughter), Imani Zel (daughter), Azure Zel (daughter)
Hair color Light blue
Eye color Blue

Kiros Zel (kiːros ˈzɛl IPA , Κηροσ Ζελ in Myridian) is Kari Zel‘s husband and the father of her daughters.


Born on planet Myridia under the tyrannical rule of the Oracles, Kiros was a friend of Kari Zel during their childhood. The two married after she joined the Vanguard.


Powers and abilities

Myridian physiology: Kiros’ strenght, durability, stamina and reflexes are about three times those of a man his age in peak physical condition.

Fast learning: Like all Myridians, Kiros is naturally adept at gathering information from his various bodies and integrating them.


Body duplication: Kiros can create exact duplicates of his body with almost no mental effort. Each duplicate is a perfect copy of his body at the moment of the duplication; it will then be completely separate and independent from him. Each duplicate can create new duplicates, without permission from the original body.

Duplicate disintegration: Duplicates will disintegrate if subject to enough force to cause an injury.

Duplicate integration: By re-absorbing duplicates into his body, Kiros instantly learns all the knowledge and experience gathered by the duplicate. He needs physical contact in order to re-absorb a duplicate.


  • “Zel” is his married name, since Myridian families are matrilinear.