Todd Slate

Todd Slate
Name Todd Slate
Status Alive
Condition Non-powered human
Occupation Secretary of Homeworld Security
Previous occupation New York Senator, Public Relations Manager of Null Technologies,
Staff assistant at the Department of Justice
First appearance BTI 064
Character Information
Age 38 years
Year of birth 9 BN
1987 AD
Species Human
Gender Male
Orientation Heterosexual
Hair color Unknown
Eye color Unknown
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown

Todd Slate is the former public relations manager of Null Technologies and romantic interest of Noriko Null.


Todd Slate was a staff assistant at the Department of Justice living in Washington D.C. He was briefly in a relationship with journalist Kristen Lynn.

Noriko Null notices him thanks to his appreciation of her work on social media and offered him a job as her public relations manager. Despite having to risk his life multiple times, Todd slowly became one of her most trusted advisors.

When Noriko had to leave Earth to join the Alliance, she left control of Null Technologies to Todd. He was not prepared for the amount of work necessary, missing the funeral of his father for his work. When he decided to leave his job, upset at Noriko for being insensitive about the situation, Noriko confessed to have developed feelings for him.

The two started a relationship that survived several near-death experiences for Noriko, her meeting Kristen, and the Guild invasion. Coming too close to losing her, Todd confessed his love for Noriko.

Convinced by the election of President Keen to have failed at his job, Todd left his job for good and followed Noriko in her search for the Dragon Tomb to rekindle their relationship. This proved disastrous, as Noriko had to pretend to break his heart in order to defeat Tiamat and admitted that she did not love him. The two decided to end their relationship.

Later, Todd attended the marriage of Kari Zel on Myridia and was successfully elected as Senator of New York.
Reconciing with Noriko Null and helping her behind the scenes in several occasions, he was selected by President Warden to be the first secretary of the newly created Department of Homeworld Security.



Todd is a human with no powers.


  • There is no physical description of him in any issue. Look it up.
  • His qualifications include a bachelor’s degree in mass communications with minor in political science and a masters degree in public affairs